Photodynamic Therapy

in West Palm Beach, FL

What is photodynamic therapy?

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a medical treatment that uses a photosensitizing drug (a drug that becomes activated by light exposure) and a light source to activate the applied drug. The result is an activated oxygen molecule that can destroy nearby cells. Precancerous cells and certain types of cancer cells can be treated this way. The procedure is easily performed in a physician’s office or outpatient setting.

PDT essentially has three steps. First, a light-sensitizing liquid, cream, or intravenous drug (photosensitizer) is applied or administered. Second, there is an incubation period of minutes to days. Finally, the target tissue is then exposed to a specific wavelength of light that then activates the photosensitizing medication.

The greatest advantage of PDT is the ability to selectively treat an entire area of skin damage and precancers (blanket or field treatment). PDT generally decreases the likelihood of lighter or darker skin spots (post-inflammatory hyper- or hypopigmentation) caused by routine freezing with liquid nitrogen. Additionally, PDT frequently may facilitate smoother skin and an overall improved appearance, tone, color, and enhanced skin texture.

Photodynamic therapy is a treatment where we take alpha levulinic acid, put it on the skin, allow it to soak in after an hour and then use a special blue light that actually stimulates a chemical reaction underneath the skin. It is great for resistant acne, but better it is used for something called sebaceous adenoma, where people get these little bumps all over their skin that look like pimples, and they try to get rid of them and they try to squeeze them but nothing comes out. There is nothing that treats the skin better for sebaceous adenoma, which is very, very common and people mistake it for acne, than photodynamic therapy. 

— Dr. Navarro

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