Laser Scar Removal

in West Palm Beach, FL

Depending on the cause of the scar, we have different modalities for trying to get rid of it. So if the patient has keloids and they’re darker complected, we will initially start using steroids to reduce the scar and then use laser to flatten to get rid of the color. In other patients, we directly can use the laser and it will smooth out. No laser will take care of a scar in one treatment. Patient needs to be aware. It’ll be multiple treatments, but the results are very, very cosmetically pleasing and there is no downtime, and there is no pain.

— Dr. Navarro

Today’s laser scar removal techniques can reduce the appearance of several types of scars, including:

Not everyone is a candidate for laser scar removal. People with skin disorders such as psoriasis, cystic acne and dermatitis may not be ideal candidates. Those using certain medications such as isotretinoin for acne must stop using the medication for six months prior to the procedure.

Acne scars are treated depending on their appearance. Deeper scars may need further treatment with things like microneedling and laser may not be enough. For most patients, laser can reduce the depression of the scar and get rid of the redness and have the skin look more uniform. 

— Dr. Navarro

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