Navarro Dermatology Blog

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From your 20s to your 60s – healthy skin care at every age

There are several factors that influence skin aging and they include genetic factors, the external type of skin, exposure to the sun and harsh weather, water consumption, smoking habits, diet, exercise and levels of stress. Skin care is essential to maintain a healthy cover and prevent health complications such as cancer, infections and other skin conditions.

Another key factor in skin aging is biological age. The skin progressively works and looks differently from your 20s to your 60s, and there are a few things you can do every day to make sure your skin remains the healthiest it can be.

Here are a few skin care tips for a healthy skin at every age:

Taking care of your skin in your 20s

The 20s are a splendid age for the skin. You’ve ditched the acne, your skin looks healthy and youthful, and the epidermis is firm with an excellent level of tonicity, or tautness. But still, you have to take care of your skin, even at this age.

In this decade, the rate of cellular renovation falls by 28 percent, and the skin becomes more susceptible to external factors.

Skin care should include:

  • Exfoliate regularly (one or two times per week) to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new cells.
  • Use sunscreen. Eighty percent of skin aging  is directly related to sunlight damage. You should avoid midday sun, and use a high solar protection lotion (FPS 15 +) at all times. UVA radiation penetrates the skin and begins to damage the collagen fibers and the skin elastin tensors. Use very good moisturizer lotion that maintains the level of nutrients in the skin and protects of the loss of water and humidification.
  • Stop smoking. If you are a smoker, this is a good time to quit. Smoking does not allow oxygen to arrive to the skin surface and it causes premature aging.

Taking care of your skin in your 30s

In your 30s, your skin’s cellular renewal has decelerated even more than in the previous decade.

Environment damage – from smoke, pollution, and solar rays – begins to be noticeable. Collagen fibers are relaxing, and skin begins to lose its tautness, as small lines and wrinkles appear.

The daily skin care routine for a woman in her 30s should include:

  • Cleaning
  • Exfoliation (2 to 3 times per week, at night)
  • Toning with a proper toner to clean the oil from the skin. Doing this helps remove any residual make-up and restore the natural pH level of the skin.
  • Hydration. Use a humidifier at night so it aid in giving your skin a boost during the day, which will prevent your it from drying out.
  • Sunscreen (morning)
  • Eat a diet rich in fruits and fresh vegetables, fish and cereals that contain a high percentage of vitamins B, C and E. These vitamins fight free radicals, help repair the skin, produce the enzymes that stabilize the production of collagen and contribute to hydration and nutrition.
  • Avoid or minimize alcohol consumption. Alcohol robs the skin of vital nutrients, and it also dehydrates skin and causes the expansion of the blood vessels, creating “arañitas” in the cheeks and around the nose.
  • Maintain a good level of hydration. Drink about two to three liters of water per day. Drink mineral water, to avoid chlorine or other chemical impurities.
  • Get enough sleep. The body repairs itself while you sleep. So you need at least eight hours of sleep in order for your skin to erase the tracks of the daily activity.

Taking care of your skin in your 40s

In this decade, the amount of collagen fibers diminishes, and they become harder,  broken and entangled.

The elastin fibers lose elasticity, they crowd and fray. The result is the forming of furrows, and deeper wrinkles.

The loss of fat in the subcutaneous layer of the skin leaves it more fragile, whereas the dermis continues to lose its elasticity.

Besides continuing the skin care routine from your 20s, a woman in her 40s should

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