Navarro Dermatology Blog

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Summer Skin Care: 7 Summer Skin Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Bug bites, sunburns, peeling skin — summer means a whole host of different skin hangups than we’re used to combatting in coolertemps.

By now you probably know some of the basics, like that you need to protect your skin from that scorching sun, but many people are still falling into some common skin care traps.

Below are some of the most frequently made summertime skin mistakes — and easy solutions. Then tell us in the comments: What’s your biggest summer skin complaint?

Applying Sunscreen Incorrectly

Even among sunscreen loyalists, there’s confusion as to how much sunscreen you really need and how often you should reapply. More than 60 percent of men said they believed one application would protect them for at least four hours, according to the same Skin Cancer Foundation survey.
In reality, most sunscreens should be reapplied every two hours, and more frequently if you’re swimming or sweating.

Wearing Sunglasses

If you’re not protecting your peepers when you’re in the sun (and 27 percent of U.S. adults say they never do , according to a report from trade group The Vision Council), you’re exposing yourself to a greater risk of cataracts, macular degeneration and skin cancer on the eyelids, which accounts for up to 10 percent of all skin cancers , Redbookreported.
It’s also important to throw on the right pair. Those cheap ones you picked up may not meet recommendations for UV ray protection.

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